Monday, August 20, 2012

It's Finished!

Oh my goodness people, I dont know why I get these crazy ideas. I come up with these projects and think, oh ya I can do this quick over the weekend....WRONG! Anyways, three weeks later, but my wall is finally finished! It felt so good to paint the last stencil because seriously, I thought I was really never going to finish. Thank you shout out to Kristen and Chrissy for helping me....and a big no thanks to all the other girls who didnt help me, BOO! Just kidding, but really, Kristen and Chrissy may not feel like they did very much but they helped me out a lot so thank you to both of you!

The supplies....yes I really did paint all of it with that tiny brush!

And now for the finished product ta da!

I love it!


  1. Hey, I helped. I took the pictures on the wall ;)

  2. It looks so good! I need to come and see it in real life!
